AF#8 - Consuming And Reacting Is Not The Same As Acting

The magnitude and negativity of news stories can give us a false sense of obligation to consume them all, but it can be counterproductive when it comes is at the expense of actually doing stuff. This is what I think when people tell me that I ‘should be watching more news’….

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Society can make us feel like it’s our job to consume the headlines, under the guise of being a good citizen or 'being informed’.

But what good is being informed without action?

When consumption comes at the expense (rather than in service) of taking action it becomes a net negative.

On Headlines, btw

“It's amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world every day always just exactly fits the newspaper.”

-Jerry Seinfeld

Reading a paper from start to finish, or watching the news hour is not an objective measure that you have consumed the right information that you needed on this day.

That it changes what you were going to do is the indicator.

Otherwise it’s entertainment. And a strange form if it makes you feel negative.

I’m in very strong favor of civic involvement. I just question how many hours of information we actually need in order to go execute.

A Bill

We all love Bill Gates, myself included. I love his good work.

Now remember, Bill spent the first half of his life building a company once referred to as ‘The Evil Empire’ and doing weird dances at Mr. Softee all-hands meetings (MSFT).

Brought to my attention by my college text chain, where I get my most important news.

If he started out by fighting Malaria instead, we’d have vastly different outcomes.

It’s ok to be focused on certain things at certain times at the expense of others. Experiences and projects, figuring out how the world works, how humans work are critical investments of time that can maximize your overall lifetime ability to contribute.

Which Issues To Choose

There are infinite amounts of important issues not covered in the news both local and national.

It’s not your obligation to consume the ones splashed in the feed at the expense of deliberately choosing others in which you feel you can make a true difference. You could choose to follow national headlines or you could choose topics closer within your current sphere of influence. Or both. Or neither.

Your only obligation is to be positive and optimistic, to be authentic to yourself, and to act in accordance with what you are leveraged and enthusiastic to solve.

Or just be happy. Happy people make the world a better place.

So What Are You Doing About It?

The amount of time it takes to cast judgement on others for ‘not being informed’ is the exact amount of time wasted not actually doing something about it.

But if you tell me about an initiative you have actually started for injecting some positivity...I’m all ears.

Is your sales pitch creative and compelling enough to rally people to your cause? It’s possible that some may be working on other things. Not everybody is going to contribute in the same ways at the same time. It’s important that we diversify our focus.

Find and inspire the ones who were waiting for your offer to get involved but didn’t even know it.

Consumption Is Not Evil

But mis-categorizing the excess consumption as an actual contribution is delusional and the amount of time it takes for one to complain, dwell, judge, and throw a beer at the TV is all energy diverted away from acting.

Excess consumption is merely entertainment.

Entertainment is not evil, I just personally opt for ‘The Mighty Ducks’.

The Mighty Ducks (1992), Image: Walt Disney Company

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