NNA#3 Inside The Menagerie

The New New Adventure (NNA) is the much anticipated sequel to the Next Adventure blog where we tracked our predictions and journey into parenting when Lila was born (November 2019). Now she’s a big sister. The NNA continues the fun and antics with the addition of blessing #2, baby Ciara. Two is a whole new ball game…

Get the full ‘New New Thing’ Series here: charleskunken.com/season8

Image: Mighty Mike, Universal Kids

Image: Mighty Mike, Universal Kids

The New New Adventure #3 - Inside The Menagerie
Feeding’ is an appropriate term for sustenance being consumed. I’m referring to myself. Mostly over a sink.

They say you’re like the five people you spend most of your time with. Lila (15 month) and I seem to be caught in a positive feedback loop. I show her how to use a fork, she squeezes some pancake into her hair, I shovel some of my own food, pick the avocado off the ground, look for a dish towel, and I can’t tell if she’s learning manners or I’m forgetting them and I sure as hell am not in any state to be eating in front of other adults right now.

And just when I think I’ve swept everything up, the next morning I go to get a drink of water and it feels like I’m walking barefoot behind the counter of a bagel store.

We had a test run, being civilized, tonight. Nikki ordered us some sushi and we actually sat at a table. I’ll have to ask her how we did.

At Ciara’s first appointment the pediatrician asked me if he could shut the lights to check eye sight and said, “I always ask newborn parents so that they don’t fall asleep.” I didn’t realize I’d been laughing at a dad joke until several days later still thinking about it. I just thought it was a legitimately funny thing to say.

If there’s one thing I’m getting better at it’s installing those little hats. Mom seemed to have that from the start. I can’t explain why even though baby’s heads are designed to be jammed through a birth canal, putting those things on feels like diffusing a bomb.

There’s another term I’m reminded of lately, path dependency. Its most prevalent when hearing swaddled baby squirt a poop after just placing her back into the bassinet at 4am. There are at least seventeen steps before getting her into this position again fully wrapped with a clean diaper. It’s like playing the original Mario Bros. where you can’t save your progress.

The best way to describe the noises Ciara makes at night is like someone was out recording the rain for a soothing nighttime CD and a big goose occasionally waddled by to check it out.

They say at fifteen months you should stop doing bottles in their crib. We’ve experimented with Lila. It’s very simple. When she has a bottle she goes right to sleep. When she doesn’t she cries very loudly. Call me crazy but I’m not seeing a path here that doesn’t resemble the Alamo.

She’s good in the mornings. We have to actually snatch her up because when she sees someone come in she starts laughing and bouncing around the crib like Gorilla Monsoon. Sometimes she wakes up while we’re still in bed and it sounds like there are velociraptors in the next room.

They also say you shouldn’t do screen time with babies before eighteen months. My favorite kids show is Mighty Mike. It’s literally a heist every single episode. Every show is a couple of raccoons trying to sneak into a house and steal something and Mike, the pug has to defend it. He always does and he always gets the lady dog. So good. Every time.

The Seattle Kustok grandparents are big fans and a huge help thus far and the vaccinated NY Kunken/Pach grandparents are coming in this week for their first meeting with Ciara. Lila will be excited to see such famous TV personalities. Zoom, Disney+, there’s lot of good content out there.

Good times, more fun in store.

Image: Mighty Mike, Universal Kids

Image: Mighty Mike, Universal Kids

Have some thoughts? Feel free to drop a comment or hit me up: charlie@charleskunken.com

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