NA#8 A Three Month Check-in

And the full ‘New Adventure’ Series here:

The New Adventure was a fun series that we ran on the blog when Lila was born. It’s been three months now so it felt like a good time to see where things stand. Here’s an excerpt on her 3 month birthday from my ‘parenting’ blog ;) lol, yea right.


I like how baby’s don’t hold grudges. They can be hysterical one moment and as soon as you get the thing right (burp, milk, diaper, etc.) you are completely forgiven. I really respect that.

Sometimes I sanitize pacifiers by sucking on them. It gets the dust off, right?

At 3 months, Lila is now like an inch worm and I am positive she could make it out to the street if I just let her keep inching along…Oh, she is sucking on a unicorn’s butt right now which I think means she is hungry. I am perceptive. One second...

Ok back.

So, yeah, Lila has this new figure 8 move she does with her arms. It looks like somebody trying to stabilize after jumping off a really high cliff, like Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid. This creates a force field that can swat away anything directly in front of her face. I figured out the counter move however, which is to reach straight down from the top with her bink thus gaining direct access to her mouth. It reminded me of when I figured out how to beat Street Fighter II on Super Nintendo back in the day - the two legged jump kick from Zangief to penetrate M. Bison’s psycho crusher (he was the boss).

Recently we realized that Mom’s dancing brings guaranteed smiles to Lila’s face. The crazier the better and Mom will do anything to make her daughter laugh. I have never seen anything produce such impressive moves in my life, not even Tequila shots at happy hour after a Zog co-ed intramural flag football game back in NYC.

And sometimes my face hurts from smiling at Lila when she starts laughing while we’re changing ‘dipes’.

Bottom line, being a parent is way cool. Mom is working hard as hell and kicking @$$ and I hope Lila is having as much fun as I am. Good times and it’s fun to write about. I’m thinking about how to incorporate some kind of kids at the office type of theme into the podcast and blog.

We’re gonna brainstorm on it and we’ll keep it going with more updates in the near future.

Have some thoughts? Feel free to drop a comment or hit me up:

Other Posts In The ‘New Adventure’ Series