NA#3 - What Happens When You Go Home

We went home and here’s what happened…

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My reflections in real time on becoming a parent.

We got home around 7:30pm on Thanksgiving night, not before having a few slices of pumpkin pie from the commissary. No whip cream but all good.

My first impulse was to begin detailing the entire house, one way in which bringing home a child seems to share similar side effects to certain types of illicit drugs, I guess. I came to my senses after getting the bedroom and changing station set up.

My phone stayed by my bed that first night so I could readily google every sound and movement coming from the babe.

I maintained the steady rhythm of logging every feeding and bathroom event. There is something comforting in tracking this information. I think I can keep up a pretty accurate log for awhile, until she goes to college at least.

People talk about getting home with your child as a moment when reality sinks in. For me the whole thing has been kind of gradual, but I did sense a change the first time I got poop on my self.

The logic that she is our daughter is still mind boggling to comprehend. It makes a little more sense each day. The actual biology of this whole situation is pretty wild.

The emotional impact increases every time I pick her up. I don’t mean to sound cliche. I literally think certain feelings have more room to breath as the act of taking care of her is becoming more comfortable. I’m trying to lean into it. She’s on my lap right now as I write this. *short pause*

A couple of other thoughts:

When I sit her up to burp her it reminds me of an old man waiting for the bus.

I am becoming extremely mediocre at the fine art of swaddling.

Most of the fleece lined, elephant decorated, color schemed baby linens we have could be replaced with a box of rags from Meineke.

We try to take Lila outside every day. I want to teach her the importance of going outside: so you can justify going back inside to eat dinner.

‘The Sopranos’ has been her first binge watching experience. Culture is extremely important in this household.

And I am sure glad she has my wife for a mother.

So far, so good.

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